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Code of Conduct
Volunteer Programme

Participants in CTL Volunteer Programme should maintain the highest standards of behaviour in the performance of their duties by:

  • Acting honestly, responsibly and with integrity;

  • Treating others with fairness, equality, dignity and respect;

  • Complying with CTL Child Protection and Vulnerable Adults Protection guidelines

  • Not possessing or use any illicit drugs, and not engaging in illegal activities during the programme

  • Maintaining an appropriate standard of dress and personal hygiene;

  • Not bringing the host project or host family into disrepute (including through the use of email, social media and other internet sites, engaging with media etc.);

  • Not engaging in any activity that may cause physical or mental harm or distress to another person (such as verbal abuse, physical abuse, assault, bullying, or discrimination or harassment on the grounds of gender, civil status, family status, sexual orientation, religion, age, disability, race or membership of the Traveller community);

  • Not engaging in any activity that may damage property;

  • Not taking unauthorised possession of property that does not belong to them.

With your Host Family:

  • Following host family house rules.

  • Keeping allocated room clean and tidy.

  • Following host family instructions regarding laundry.

  • Ensure host family is compensated for any loss or damage caused by participant to homestay property.

  • Keeping your host family informed about your schedule/plans

  • Always asking your host family before inviting guests (as a general rule, do not invite overnight guests)

  • Asking for permission before using household items and appliances

  • Informing your local coordinator or CTL immediately of any problems with the host family.

  • Respecting your host family’s privacy (not disclosing private matters or taking photos without permission)

With your Host Project:

  • Performing their volunteer role to the best of their ability in a safe, efficient and competent way;

  • Following the host project’s policies and procedures as well as any instructions or directions reasonably given to them;

  • Raising concerns about possible wrongdoing witnessed by the volunteer in the course of the volunteer’s role with CTL;

  • Meeting time and task commitments and providing sufficient notice when they will not be available

  • Acting in a way that is in line with the purpose and values of the host project and that enhances the work of the project;

  • Reporting any health and safety concerns to their project mentor;

  • Addressing any issues or difficulties about any aspect of their role with their project mentor

  • Keeping confidential matters confidential

  • Not be affected by alcohol, drugs, or medication which will affect their abilities to carry out their duties and responsibilities while volunteering;

Breach of the standards outlined in this Code of Conduct may result in the volunteer’s position being terminated

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